Bakar Bio Labs News

Why we love partnering with industry at Bakar Labs

We’re all about creating partnerships with life science leaders. We’re thrilled to be working with industry leaders that support innovators at Berkeley. Stay tuned for announcements this spring!

Why do partnerships matter? They are a win-win for the entire Bakar Labs scientific community—tenants, the university, and partners alike. We’ve seen this over the past decade in the QB3 incubator system.

For the startups at Bakar Labs, these partnerships will mean unusual access to valuable industry domain knowledge. Industry leaders often possess superior business intelligence, broad market awareness, scientific and engineering knowhow, and regulatory expertise that translate into powerful strategic insights for startups. In a single hour-long meeting at Bakar Labs with our partners may open doors or save years of time.

Professors on campus will have the opportunity to connect with funding sources for sponsored research, and to learn how the commercial world is developing life science beyond the frenzy of publish-or-perish academia. Conversely, our industry partners will be able to take part in conversations about the latest research developments in academic labs.

Success depends on having the best scientists on your team, so competition to hire talent is fierce. Industry partners will have the visibility Bakar Labs that can enhance recruiting efforts from grad students to postdocs at Berkeley. Our vision is one in which all stakeholders benefit.

Bakar Labs industry partners can sponsor a startup company through our Golden Ticket program, giving them free rent for a year, no strings attached. By participating in the selection process, partners get a great view of what’s happening in the Bay Area at the earliest stages.

During this final sprint of renovations to our iconic building, we’re starting to see the space transformed into a cutting-edge research hub that will bring a wealth of resources to the scientific community at Berkeley. Industry partners are a vital part of the hub. Interested in talking about working together? Get in touch!